The HBRL currently receives funding from the following sources:
NIH NIDCD R01 DC004290-19 - "Human Auditory Cortex Physiology" (MA Howard III, PI)
NIH NIDCD R01 DC015260-03 - "Neural Mechanisms of Vocal Communication in the Human Brain" (JD Greenlee, PI)
NIH NIGMS R01 GM109086-05 - "Mechanisms of anesthetic-induced unconciousness" (KV Nourski, MI Banks, PI)
NIH NINDS U01 NS103780-02 - "Causal Mapping of Emotion Networks with Concurrent Electrical Stimulation and fMRI" - (R Adolps, MA Howard III, RA Poldrack, PIs)
NIH NIDCD P50 DC000242-32 - "Iowa Cochlear Implant Clinical Research Center" (BJ Gantz, PI)
NIH NIDCD R01 NS100849-02 - "Mid-Frontal Delta/Theta rhythms and Cognitive Control in PD" - (N Narayanan, PI)
NIH NINDS R01 NS102201-01A1 - "The Role of a Neural Mechanism for Inhibitory Control in Cognitive Flexibility" - (JR Wessel, PI)
UI-ISU Partnership Seed Grant Program Award - "Iowa-ISU Brain Research Advancement Through Innovative Neuromodulation Strategies to Improve Mental Health" - (H Oya, PI)
DARPA 2003393936 - "Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT)" - (X Wang, PI)
NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award UL1RR024979
Wellcome Trust WT091681MA - "Bases for auditory perception" (TD Griffiths, PI)
NSF IIS-1515678 - "Collaborative Research: Dynamic models of human auditory perceptual switching informed by large-scale ECoG recordings" (R Curtu, KV Nourski, PIs)